
Full control of your production

Management of production orders is structured thanks to a grouping by manufacturing order. The generation wizard will fill production orders from nomenclatures and products. Moreover, orders come with graphic description of all stages. You can pause the production directly from the application.

Manage your inventory directly from the production module

Components are reserved and future stocks are planned during the planning of production orders. Use of components and stock movements (including finished products and residues) are registered when the order is realized. The management of the tracking numbers is possible from the production stage, and can be manual or automatic, as you wish.

Visualize your consumption

iERP calculates costs for each nomenclature level, publishes cost sheets, and gives you access to tables of components and products for which consumption is planned, and then realized. Your consumption is reflected in details, with management of leftovers and scrap materials.

Production planning becomes very easy

Access an activity schedule for each machine to avoid duplication,as well as a timeline of operations performed. Change the operational planning directly from the calendar.