Inventory Management

Accurate stock management

iERP not only manages your stock entries and exits, but also your internal stock movements. In addition, the stock management module is multi-warehouse and supports product variants. To be closer to the reality of your business, iERP provides automated management of leftovers.

A delivery management system that reflects operational reality

With iERP, reschedule and split your deliveries at will. Moreover, you can visualize your intinerary to the delivery address from your delivery order with a single click. In addition, the application automates the management of returns and reforwardings.

Advanced traceability

iERP allows you to manage tracking numbers and barcodes, from production, purchases or sales. Additionally, you can choose your stock recovery method (FIFO or LIFO) and manage warranty and expiration dates by tracking numbers.This way, you will enjoy complete traceability and accurate monitoring of your stocks and their movements.

Monitor your stock movements in real time

iERP automatically generates delivery notes and receipts from customer and supplier purchase orders, and then issues customer and supplier invoices from those delivery notes.

Say bye bye to Stock shortage...

No more stock-out! With iERP, set up your own minimum stock rules. In addition, our module manages inventories and provides several stock evaluation methods.